Submit your script to Talawa Theatre Company

Talawa Theatre Company has always been a home for emerging Black British writers. Our new literary department is now up and running and we are expanding opportunities for writers with a variey of initiatives, including:

–         Talawa Writers’ Programme, our flagship scheme for developing new writing talent

–         Talawa Firsts, a season of new play readings

–         Studio Firsts, development opportunities for emerging artists

Talawa is calling for scripts by new and emerging Black British writers, the next script submission window will be between 1stNovember and 30th November.

Please send your script along with a short covering letter telling us about you and your work to: Jane Fallowfield, Talawa Theatre Company, 53-55 East Road, London N1 6AH.

Each script is read by one of our readers and will receive feedback. We aim to respond to you within 3 months.

For more information, visit the literary pages of the website: